Contact Hatched in Africa |
12 8x8'' Colorwork Quilt Block designs These designs are perfect for quilts, back of a jacket, scatter cushions, shopping bags and much more!
Hatched in Africa
Files in this set:
ART4 - 2,542.4 Kb ART6 - 2,606.2 Kb ART8 - 2,679.3 Kb DST - 1,213.7 Kb EXP - 1,115.0 Kb JEF - 1,115.2 Kb PES - 1,938.8 Kb VIP - 1,121.4 Kb VP3 - 1,118.2 Kb XXX - 1,114.6 Kb
5562 Colorwork Spring Fiesta 8x8