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16 5x7 Iris Floral and border Embroidery Designs. The set also includes the designs without the satin borders.
Complete instructions are included.
designs are used to create a beautiful runner. Use it on your dining
room table, kitchen counter or even on your coffee table.
The runner is also available in 6x10. Click HERE to view the set.
Hatched in Africa
Files in this set:
ART4 - 6,786.7 Kb ART6 - 7,365.9 Kb ART8 - 7,585.3 Kb DST - 3,592.0 Kb EXP - 3,350.5 Kb HUS - 3,346.3 Kb JEF - 3,351.9 Kb PES - 5,321.2 Kb VIP - 3,348.4 Kb VP3 - 3,373.9 Kb XXX - 3,350.9 Kb
5574 Tiffany Iris Runner 5x7