Contact Hatched in Africa |
A Pot Holder design in 5x7'' and 6x10''. The 5x7'' is smaller and will work great for warm plates or bowls.
Hatched in Africa
Files in this set:
ALL - 2,860.4 Kb ART4 - 1,543.3 Kb ART6 - 1,562.6 Kb ART8 - 1,602.9 Kb DST - 1,297.6 Kb EXP - 1,283.3 Kb HUS - 1,251.6 Kb JEF - 1,283.8 Kb PES - 1,410.3 Kb VIP - 1,282.9 Kb VP3 - 1,288.0 Kb XXX - 1,283.9 Kb
5581 ITH Pot Holder - Ginger Bake