This set of designs are to make up the Quilt and Projects in the 'All Creatures Great & Small' book by Natalie Bird16 Designs in Chunky Stitch + Lettering set digitized by Liese* Use the letters in the 'Noah Ark' design to create your own name.* Minimum hoop required: 5x7'* Chunky Stitch - Fun outline stitch that gives a hand stitch look. No special thread needed.About the Artist:* All Creatures Great and Small Quilt and artwork was created by Natalie Bird from* We have now digitzed these design for you to do on your embroidery machine* The book includes the instructions to create the quilt and can be purchased from 'The Birdhouse'* Living in South Africa - You can buy Natalie Bird books from us. Phone 013 282 8528