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A beautiful Poinsettia runner in 5x7'' and 6x10''
The set includes both sizes.
This runner is perfect for your sideboard, kitchen counter, coffee table or even make a place mat. You can also make one and hang it from your mantle piece. It is so versatile!
Please note: The HUS format does not include the 6x10'' due to hoop size limitations
Hatched in Africa
Files in this set:
ART4 - 3,397.8 Kb ART6 - 3,471.8 Kb ART8 - 3,586.0 Kb DST - 2,168.5 Kb EXP - 2,067.5 Kb HUS - 1,846.3 Kb JEF - 2,068.6 Kb PES - 3,305.1 Kb VIP - 2,115.4 Kb VP3 - 2,078.1 Kb XXX - 2,069.0 Kb
5607 Tiffany Poinsettia Runner